Cold Souls [Split]

Cold Souls [Split]
~Click na front cover para ir há página de Download~

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Aghast - Hexerei im Zwielicht der Finsternis (1994)

I. Enthral
II. Sacrifice
III. Enter the Hall of Ice
IV. Call from the Grave
V. Totentaz
VI. The Darkest Desire
VII. Das Irrlicht
VIII. Ende

Passworld ~> darkparadise

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Deutsch Nepal - ¡Comprendido!... Time Stop! ...And World Ending (1996)

I. Benevolence - 92
II. Thomas 29 Needles
III. World Mirror
IV. Morgue Restaurant
V. Gouge Free Market
VI. Tender Lover
VII. Pain Is The Language We Use
VIII. The Phlegethon Fish
IX. Auto Gamic Drummers
X. Poison Free Market

Passworld ~> darkparadise

Monday, June 28, 2010

Hexentanz - Nekrocrafte (2004)

I. Midnight Procession
II. Mark of the Witch
III. Devil's Mass
IV. Birth is Through Blood
V. Binding of the Shadows
VI. Profane the Twelve
VII. Bringer of the Luciferian Flame
VIII. Abjuring the Cross
IX. Dirge to the Deceased

Passworld ~> darkparadise


Blog planejado para a divulgação da cena Dark Ambient e também ao movimento verdadeiro do Black Metal!

Blog designed for the dissemination of Dark Ambient scene and also the movement's true Black Metal!

Então já era, breve muitas postagens obscuras aqui no Dark Paradise.

OBS: Meu inglês é terrivel .)