Cold Souls [Split]

Cold Souls [Split]
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Thursday, June 26, 2014

Nebula Nigrum + In the Hours of Darkness + Maestro Infernal - Cold Souls [Split] (2014)

01. Untitled I [13:03]
02. Untitled II [16:32]
03. Black Apparition [03:46]
04. Haunting in the Night [03:12]
05. In the Dark [09:28]
06. The Call from the Woods [10:03]

>>> DOWNLOAD <<<

Aqui está mais um album, agora um split com Nebula Nigrum (Interior de SP) e com In the Hours of Darkness (Dallas, TX)... é só a primeira parte, em breve mais um split!

Here's one more album, now a split with Nebula Nigrum (SP) and In the Hours of Darkness (Dallas, TX) ... is only the first part, soon another split!